How to use this program

Welcome to The Responsive Parent Sleep Solution - 5-18 Months

This particular programme specialises in helping babies from 5 Months to 18 Months of age. The sleep programme I have specifically created for you firstly provides you with all the information that you need to understand your baby's sleep, what is biologically normal and what to expect during this age group. I then provide you will the solid foundations to ensure that your little one is getting the right amount of sleep throughout the day and at night.

There are no schedules because from experience these can make sleep and parenting more stressful. To implement the programme, its best to first understand what is going on and why sleep is important, then the programme will inspire and empower you to understand your child whilst implementing the solid sleep foundations needed.

If this doesn't provide you with quite the results you need (even though I'm sure you will be amazed!), you can then go back in and let me know, this is when we can look at gentle techniques of sleep coaching to aid if necessary.

There is a section on troubleshooting should you meet any hiccups along the way, along with also being able to speak with other parents via the Facebook group.

I keep my sleep coaching methods to a smaller range because I believe that a baby/child of any age should always be responded to, my methods are gentle and holistic in their approach. I want you and your little one to feel safe and connected on your sleep learning journey.


Step 1 - The What, Why & When

Firstly we look at the what, when, and why behind child sleep. I truly believe for you to be able to successfully change and resolve the challenges you are facing, you first need to understand why they currently aren't sleeping, what is biologically normal, understanding the effect this is having and you and them and what it means when you finally resolve the situation properly.

Step 2 - Solid Sleep Foundations

Then, we look at the solid sleep foundations needed to promote and aid sleep. These simple and easy changes can make the world of difference to you, your little one and your family. I explain what each foundation is, how to implement it and then give you time to implement each foundation. Its not a race, the slower this process is completed the better, because the better your child will respond. Sleep foundations are all about using your intuition as a parent, you know what is best for your little one and your family. So we also have build your confidence to parent on your terms.

Step 3 - Naps, Daytime Sleep, Naps

I then educate you all about naps, why naps are so important, the transitions that take place, and how to promote and navigate any sleep associations (not 'props'). Daytime sleep is so important for creating well rested night time sleep, both areas have to work hand in hand.

Step 4 - Settling & Coaching

In step 4, we move on the settling and coaching techniques, that we need to use to be able to aid and to respond to our little ones to sleep. I keep my sleep coaching methods to a small range because I believe that a baby/child of any age should always be responded to, my methods are gentle and holistic in their approach. I want you and your little one/s to feel safe and connected on your sleep learning journey.

Step 5 - Troubleshooting

We move onto the troubleshooting section, this is because we all know parenting is hard work! Our little ones are beautiful, independent human beings and that comes with different challenges along the way. So I have created a section all for those challenges should they arise. You will also be able to speak with other parents via the Facebook group. I will also be personally on hand to answer any of your questions and provide you with solid answers to keep you on track.


Course Start 

  • Welcome & How to use the program

Science of Sleep 

  • Sleep Consolidation
  • Secure Attachment 
  • Safe Sleep 
  • Sleep & Stress Hormones 

The What, Why & When 

  • Setting up the sleep environment 
  • Bedtime routines 
  • Identifying distress/crying communication
  • Self-settling 
  • Over & Under tiredness 
  • Temperament 
  • Power of Consistency 
  • Feeding & Sleeping 

Naps, Daytime Sleep Naps

  • Why we focus on naps 
  • Naps - sleep needs 
  • Naps - transitions
  • Identifying Sleep Associations 

Settling & Coaching Techniques

  • Settling
  • Coaching - this section is locked because I only provide you with this, if you feel you want to take things further because we haven't quite achieved our initial goals


  • Morning Time  
  • Early Rising 
  • Co-Sleeping 
  • Sleep Disorders 
  • Sickness & Teething 
  • Clock Changes 
  • Losing the Swaddle
  • More than one child

Sleep 'PRO'gressions

  • 4 Month 
  • 8-10 Month 
  • 12 / 18 Month 

Complete and Continue  